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Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm Back

Hi all,
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Today my son's had the 3 grand kids birthday party, I had so much fun spending time with the grand kids, I actually felt young again, but I'm back to reality. Getting old!!!
Boy here it is 12:30 AM and in just 1 hr and 1/2 it will be 3:00 AM. Don't forget to turn your clock's ahead an hour, at least for Michigan people. Not sure about other states.
Don't have no cards today as I have a massive production going on here right now. Trying to get invitations ready for my open house next month, to let people know I'm back. If your interested in attending please e-mail me with name and address, you will receive an invitation, I will also have the information on the blog. We would love to see new faces.
Well I suppose I will close for tonight. Hopefully I will have something tomorrow, on the blog.
Goodnight and God Bless
L & C Dazzlers

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