I got my background at ZingerBug.com

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another Birthday for my Granddaughter who will be 7

Hi Everyone, Hope your enjoying our Blob.
Maybe someone could Help us out a little? What can we do for the blog to draw in some more people who loves to stamp. As I mentioned before we've been out of commission for so long I can't remember nothing.
When we had to give up our other Blog and quit our stamping before it was due to medical. See my son has MD and became very ill,  during this time my sister passed away and my husband and I took guardianship over my nephew, he's 40 now and we've had him for quit a few yrs. Mentally he is only 2 he's is down syndrome. Love him and couldn't live without him. He's such a joy. Anyways on the time we were taking care of our son, and trying to settle our nephew into our household my son developed mrsa in the bone in his leg, so we went through my son having his leg amputated. He to is doing well now and a joy to  have him here with us. He's 26 now but the MD also affected his brain and it started to shrink,  so his age is around 7, a little older at something. 
I definitely want no kind of sympathy, because we are all happy and love our life. Being everything is going so beautiful and God was with us through these trying times, we again our back to normal. I Love my Life, Couldn't get no better. I wanted to explain this so no one thinks we just abandon everything, cause when it comes to family I would give all up again. But with the love in my home and the love from God, I'm back hopefully to stay.
Well enough of this its time to show my Granddaughters card and hopefully see won't see it before Saturday.

Stamp: Create a Cupcake
Paper: Chocolate Chip, DSP, Whisper White
Ink: Chocolate Chip
Accessories: SU Markers, Dimensional, Brad, NSU Border Punch, Rounded Corner Punch, Tag Punch, 2 Square Punches, Glitter, Blings, Heart  Button
Technique: Sponging, Laying, Matting

Thank You so much for visiting our blog and please return soon,
Love and God Bless
L & C  Dazzlers

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