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Sunday, March 18, 2012

2 cards tonight

Hello Everyone,
Hoping everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I'm so excited my husband finally hung up all my shelves. It looks so nice, nothing fancy just nice and comfortable. Just a few touch ups tomorrow and hopefully in a couple weeks painting. Well enough about that I have to cards, but the stamps I used from Stampin' Up are both retired. I still like the cards and using the retired stamps. Hope you enjoy.

My Favorite, I seem to be stressed all the time though Ha, Ha!

This is one of the best shakers I had done.

I want to thank everyone for coming on over to our blog and letting us share our cards. We would love to hear some feed back, on how were doing, what we could do to make the blog more interesting, and also your negative inputs. Goodbye for now.
God Bless and stay safe
L & C Dazzlers.

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