I got my background at ZingerBug.com

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy April 1st

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. How fast is time, next Sunday Easter already. But I can't wait till Saturday, as our tradition is to have all the Grandchildren over and color eggs. So much fun watching the expression on their little faces. How funny is it when our children were growing up we enjoyed it but also thought of the Hugh mess to clean up, and no matter what the grandchildren do your saying to the parents let them go their having a good time. My mom always said enjoy them while their little cuz they grow up so fast. Only see it now that I'm a Grandparent.
Well down to Business, We have 3 cards for you today, hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment.
This card I had to make a mask to get the sunset, and I wanted to try to portray a sailors sunset. Don't think I did to bad.
Stamp: Forever Young
Paper: So Saffron, Basic Black, Whisper White
Ink: Basic Black, Red Riding Hood, Daffodil Yellow, Marina Mist, Tangerine Tango
Accessories: Mask for the Sunset, and a mask for the Bottom
Technique: Masking and sponging

A Little late for Valentines, Ha! Ha!
Stamp: PS I Love You
Paper: Real Red, Basic Black, Whisper White
Ink: Basic Black
Accessories: Black Embossing powder, Bleach, ribbon, Nestabilities
Technique: Bleaching

This card is a little hard to see. But I 1st ink my stamp up with Basic Gray and than thump the perfect plum marker on top of that. So were you see white spots in the image it is really gray.
Stamp: Love and Sympathy
Paper: Perfect Plum, Basic Black, Whisper White
Ink: Basic Black and Gray
Accessories: Marker, ribbon, embossing folder
Technique: Thumping

Hope everyone enjoyed our cards for today and may God Blessed and keep everyone healthy and safe
L&C Dazzlers